Saturday, September 10, 2016

Acadia NP, Schoodic Point -
This is a little known part of Acadia National Park. We meandered via back roads toward Schoodic. One thing that we knew, but perhaps you didn’t, the tides here in Maine are 10-12’ vs. the 28’ in Canada. There is a wayside where you can see the tide come in and out. Still, I don’t  think anything beats Hopewell Rocks in Canada.

We kept seeing signs for  “Lunch on the Wharf” in Corea. Sounded interesting so we decided to eat there. Lovely place, we were the only tourists, rest were locals. Actually ate on a wharf overlooking the harbor(low tide).
Tonight we met all our neighbors and the campground supplied a Thanksgiving in September meal. Everyone brought something. Great meal, met some more of our neighbors. Had a pleasant evening until the rain started. That sent everyone home fast.

I have added a slide show. I am using new software and having a learning curve. I am not sure I can get rid of the dark gray bar on the bottom. Be patient. I also don't seem to have any control over the speed. WARNING: Don't put your cursor on the pictures, that switches to a different mode and you will lose the captions. I am not sure about this software.