Friday, September 16, 2016

St. Andrews, NB

Today we made it to Canada. We had heard stories about crossing the border and were prepared for the worse. I even made a reservation for a cg close to the border in case we were really held up. 

We were the only ones crossing the border, it was eerie. We arrived at our cg around 12:00. Pulled right up and into our site, We need to get to a bank and get some Canadian money, a credit card only goes so far. Since we were in so early we had plenty of time. Visited a bank, the hardware store and then the Visitor Center. After that we went to Kingbrae Gardens, all I took were entrance pictures. We didn’t realize we had a time zone change and were an hour later. The Gardens closed in a hour and that wasn’t enough time.

Tom is learning his new role in life in the MH. He is sort of navigating better but misses so much. He just doesn’t pay attention. His other new role is to assist me in backing up the MH. If we are in a pull thru there is no problem but if we need to back in we need to unhitch the toad. Since this is normally done at the entrance to a cg someone has to lead to the site. I have always been the navigator in cgs. After unhitching, I look at the cg map and drive off to our site with Tom following in the car. 

I wait in the road to back in while he checks electrical, checks this and that. I finally make some noise and he remembers I am in the road. His next challenge is to get me into the site. I cannot tell my site from anyone else when it is a wide open field so I ask him to stand on the corner of the site so I can know where the corner is. Hasn’t quite mastered that yet plus he doesn’t keep in my mirrors so I just stop until he shows up again. A few more backins and we should be OK. 

This is a lovely cg, right on the water on a point of land. We can see Maine across the water. Sites are large, all grass and the wind is howling all the time.