Friday, September 30, 2016

Forillon National Park, QC

Today we wandered to Forillon National Park, 60 miles away but a 2 hour drive. Up and down hills for the first 2 hours, steepest grade was 17% for a bit. On average probably about 10%. 

Lots of construction.

This drive was primarily along the coast and was quite pretty, not many cars but also no place to take any pictures. 

We had an interesting experience when checking in for our campsite. They preferred credit card to cash!!!!! First time we have experienced this. We do realize that credit cards are used more heavily up here than in the US and everyone has a chip reader. The big difference is you need to sign for everything.

We arrived at the cg, found our spot and went out touring. Saw some eagles, seals etc.Sun kept hiding behind clouds. 

One thing we discovered is that in Quebec not many businesses are open on Sunday, including gas stations. Businesses are far and few  between normally but on Sunday you need to be prepared for nothing, including restaurants.

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