Sunday, September 11, 2016

Acadia NP, Mt. Desert Island -

Today we woke up to fog and generally miserable conditions. We decided to go to Acadia NP visitor center and get our pass plus I was looking for a 2016 National Parks Centennial shirt for the east coast to match my west coast one. I had tried Jamestown and they did not have what I was looking for,
We parked and had to hike up 52 steps to get to the visitor center. My knee made it up with no problem, down was a slower challenge. We got our pass , no shirts and  went on the loop road. Nothing much since it was so foggy. There was  cruise ship in that was a surprise. Huge ship in the bay.

After our non-event drive we went lobster pricing. Everyone is charging $5.99 per pound and going up to $11.99 over 1.25 lbs. Since we wanted 1.5-2 lbs. lobsters we weren’t too happy with the pricing. We also checked at the supermarkets and Hannaford's was $5.99/pound up to 1.75 lb. That is where we bought our lobsters for dinner. Also did some supermarket restocking since we weren’t doing anything else. 

Just after we got home the skies opened up. Sheets of rain, thunder lightning etc. Happy we made it home before the rain started. 

We went out to get our lobsters and saw some lobster scissors. We bought a pair, wow, do they make lobster eating so much easier. We are going to get another pair for home.

Weather is suppose to be good tomorrow.