Thursday, September 22, 2016

Perce, QC

Perce is one of our major stopping points. We plan to do a whale watching cruise, visit the 100K plus Gannets on Bonaventure Island plus additional things the Visitor Center recommended for us. 

Today was an easy drive, only 120 miles. Packing up this morning the wind was blowing at 20 mph or more. One of our slide awnings(this is on top of the slide) would not roll up completely. We had to move the MH to a location so the wind was not hitting that slide as hard, then take the slide out and back in.

Pulled into our cg and it is out on a point, beautiful. Selected a site and settled in. The cg owners wife showed up about 2 hours later and we paid up for 3 days. The actual owner of the cg had left to set up his moose camp for a few days.

Our neighbors are from Ontario and they are leaving tomorrow.

After the Visitor Center briefed us on everything we asked where a bank was. Across the street. We would have never found it on our own, no indication that the building  was a bank of any sort. Looked more like a travel agency.
Wine is much easier to get in Quebec, everyone sells it, not much of a selection but much easier to find. 

Tomorrow brings our first day of exploring. Might rain though. We will see in the morning.