Saturday, September 3, 2016

We brought our RV home on Thursday and hoped to get mostly loaded before Hermine hit. We had a to do list(just like a house) and managed to get the exterior work done and some of the interior. Hermine ended up not affecting us, even with all the hype from the weatherman. 

We plan to leave on Labor Day in the morning. Our only concern is going to Assateague we need to go across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and if there are high winds we will not be allowed to cross. We anticipate the winds will calm down by Monday and will not be an issue. 

Well we had a surprise on Sunday night(we were leaving on Monday). Our reservation at Assateague was cancelled due to major damage from Hermine(tropical storm). The entire park is now closed until the 7th or 8th. All our plans have now been changed. We will head directly to Acadia and may spend extra time there. I would like to go to Camden, Somesville and other towns that I have always wanted to explore. We would like to go back to the Schoodic area of the Acadia National Park also.

When one door closes, another opens.