Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Mt. Desert Island, Oceanarium -

Today was cloudy so we went to the Oceanarium. This is a private enterprise that is the only lobster hatchery in the US. The Oceanarium is well worth going to, it was fascinating. There are 4 components to the tour. We started at the Discovery Tank and learned about the “fish” they had in the tank. Saw and touched some fish that we had never heard of before.

After that we went to the Lobster Hatchery and this was great. The gestation period of lobster is years long and then they produce thousands of eggs(some produce 30,000-50,000+). Through a series of tanks, warmer water and good nutrients the Oceanarium has a 50%-75% survival rate to place back into the ocean in 2 weeks, vs. the normal 6-8 weeks in the ocean waters, if the eggs survive.

Next on to a  Marsh Walk which was somewhat interesting. Biggest excitement was a Blue Heron that landed. Since we see Blue Herons every day this was old hat for us. 

After that we had a lecture at the museum about the lobster industry and its evolution. Very interesting.

Then the rains started and we headed back to the  motor home.

I am trying a different piece of software for the pictures from Photodex. Click the lower right for full screen(little square with arrows). I you are on a tablet you will need to swipe the screen larger. Sorry about the ads, free software comes with a penalty.