Friday, September 30, 2016

Mantane, QC

Today's drive was beautiful. Up and down some major hills, steep grades but just beautiful for 100 miles. We are driving along the  northern edge of the Gaspe Peninsula and I’ll call it the St. Lawrence River. Great views, again, no place to park.

We met some people from Michigan who were heading for the Maritime Islands and then they winter in Florida. We had a good laugh when I said we were heading for Michigan. 

Stopped for lunch at a small restaurant along the road, immaculate with great views. Cute curtains, of course no English and we don’t speak French. I asked what poutine was, gathered it was a sauce on the french fries with something sprinkled on top. I ordered it. It is  brown gravy with some sort of cheese crumbles/curds on top. Was pretty good. 

I have discovered Google Translate does not even come close the the Star Trek Universal Translator. The French spoken up here is totally different than what Google Translate has and there is no dialect for Canadian French in the database. So much for my brilliant idea. We are muddling through, hand signals work fine. Once we get through Quebec we should be back in English speaking territory. 

After a 6 hour drive with many stops for construction, up and down big hills etc. we pulled into our cg and found a site until the owner showed up. There are cows in the field next to us and  George(cat) is fascinated. He has been sitting by the windshield for 30 minutes watching.

Tomorrow we should be in Quebec for a few more challenging days……………..


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