Friday, June 21, 2019

Day 6 in Denali-Time to say goodbye

Today was our last day in Denali. I had tried to get another day but couldn’t. Weekends are tough, it is much easier to get reservations during the week.

We hitched up and left. Once out from under the trees we realized we had a cloudless day. Optimism abounds. Our optimism was well founded, the day remained clear and we saw Denali almost the entire trip. W have a view of Denali from our MH in our campsite.

What makes Denali so impressive is its height. The rest of the Alaskan Range is up to 10,000 feet. Then comes Denali, at 21,000 feet or so. Sticks out like a sore thumb. The other reason is that Alaska is not very high in altitude. Where most of these pictures were taken we were at 1,000 feet or so. You see 20,000 feet of mountain.

We have plans to take a plane ride around Denali in 2 days. The weather is clear today and we hope this continues. We camped for the night at the Denali North Viewpoint and had a clear view of Denali. Such a striking mountain.

Could it be Denali???


View from our campsite


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