Saturday, June 8, 2019

Drive to Delta Junction

Another driving day. When we woke up we found out that another RV had pulled over in our rest area. We other left about the same time and followed each other up the road for a while.

We stopped in Tok to fill up with “cheap” gas, $3.59 vs. $6(US) in Canada. We are now good to go until we leave Fairbanks for Denali in about a week. Time for a good rest, running errands, stocking up and being a tourist. We have found we like to go out in the morning until 1-2 and then come in for the day. Our day usually starts around 7:30 or 8 so we get in a good chunk of time. 

Tonight we plan to be in Delta Junction, the official end of the Alaskan Highway. 

As you can tell the road has a few curves

No cars but great views around every corner

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Artwork at the Delta Junction Visitor Center
We made it, end of the road!!!

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