Saturday, June 22, 2019

Plane Flight Around Denali

This is our big day. We are taking a flight around Denali with K2 Aviation. They seemed to have the best flight for the money. According to their website, 2 circles are made of Denali plus we fly around the valleys and see glaciers. Other companies flights are not so extensive. Hope we make a good choice.
Denali is in the clear again today. I really think the best views of Denali are at the Denali South and North Viewpoints. You can camp at both. 
We arrived at the airfield and checked in. We took off around 12:45 and flew for 1.5 hours. Viewing everything from the air is so different, makes you feel so tiny compared to all the mountains and glaciers. Some of the glaciers are said to be a mile thick.
We also learned that the climbing season I almost over. It is a short climbing season, early April to mid-July. The snow is very soft right now with the warmer temperatures so everyone is climbing from 11 PM to 5 AM. Remember it is daylight all day now.
Our pilot was great, he kept up a running dialog. He had been a mountain climber so we heard a different perspective. The plane is heated but not pressurized. We all had to wear oxygen masks starting at 15,000 feet. We flew up to 23,000 feet. Everyone had a window seat and the pilot made a lot of dips and turns so everyone could see. 

Here are some stillf from the fight and I will send you under a seperate email 2 videos we took. I couldn't create the videos without music, themusic selection was horrible, turn off your volume. 

This is a glacier slowly moving down the mountain

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