Friday, June 28, 2019

Homer #1

We did a small drive today down Homer Spit, this is a narrow, man-made piece of land that has numerous small stores and restaurants, well spread out, all on piers. There are numerous free and pay campgrounds on the spit. 
We read that the tidal bore here is 33’, higher than the Bay of Fundy but not as impressive. This bay is very flat so you don’t notice the bore. In Fundy, the bay is very narrow and the bor it totally impressive. 

Our First Eagle

Camping on the Beach

A Small set of Restaurants and Stores

End of Homer Spit, from here you can go to the Pacific Ocean

A Brief Clearing from the Smoke

We did some food shopping, stopped at the post office to pick the first of many packages (a new camera). 
The smoke from the fire was not good today so we spent the day in the MH. I spent a lot of time trying to learn my new camera, each camera has new bells and whistles and takes a lot of assimilation time.
Tonight the Elks Club had Burger night so we went over for a few hours, had a good time with good food and lots of chatting.

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