Sunday, June 2, 2019

Traveling to Muncho Lake

Today was just a 120-mile drive to Muncho Lake. We started out seeing 3 bears, probably triplets. We stopped but they ran into the woods. During the day we continued to see a bear, then some elk, then Big Horn sheep and some deer. A busy day for us with the animals.

Yesterday we had checked on the smoke and the forecast was for the smoke to not be a problem. Someone had it right!! No haze at all, overall a good weather day.

I have been praising the roads being in such good condition. Until today. Happy we were only driving 120 miles, that was plenty. Rough road, no potholes, just very bumpy. Also today, a straighter road would have been nice, just very long, tiring drive. We sure hope tomorrow is better. 

Every corner we turn is more beautiful scenery

This is the true color of Muncho Lake, glacier fed

Big Horn sheep, they were busy climbing the rocks

Elk, with Velvet still on


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