Saturday, June 1, 2019

Fort Nelson

This might be a repeat. Life is getting a bit confusing with the backlog of entries.

Over the last few weeks we have noticed that there is very little night. When we were here years ago we golfed at midnight and came home around 2 AM, the light was so bright we had no problems golfing and it looked like dawn.

Sunset is now around 11 PM and sunrise around 4 AM. Throws your whole body rhythm off.

We are having rain and smoke problems and will stop at the Visitor Center in Fort Nelson to see the forecast. Fort Nelson is the beginning of the scenic part of the Alaska Highway and if we need to wait a few days we will.

Along the way we saw 6 bear along the side of the road. British Columbia did a good job in cutting back the trees a good 50’ from each side of the road so you can see the animals and avoid hitting them. Most of the bears we are see are young, probably 2 year olds that Mom has told to leave. Road is still in excellent condition, no road repair, no frost heaves, no gravel. Very little traffic. Nicely paved. Totally unexpected.

We parked at the Elks Lodge in Fort Nelson and went to find a local restaurant for lunch. Found a good one and Tom had Quiche while I had a Chipolte Burrito. Both were excellent.

We went on to the visitor center and were shown the smoke forecast for the next few days. Looks like it will be very clear the rest of the drive. In the meantime it is pouring rain and the street light in the parking lot at Elks keeps going on and off due to the storm.

It is now 7 PM, blue sky, brilliant sun. Hope tomorrow is the same.

We are only traveling 100-150 miles a day and just taking our time, no rush on our part.

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