Sunday, June 16, 2019

Leaving Fairbanks

We have spent the week resting, stocking up, doing some touring. Fairbanks is not exactly the tourist spot but we needed a break. We did visit a bird sanctuary and saw some Sandhill Cranes, that has been it for wildlife in Fairbanks. We are all rested up for our Denali stop. We will be in Denali for 5 days and then onto the State Park down the road for 2 days. After we take a plane flight around Mt. Denali then we head for Wasilla, north of Anchorage.

We are members of Elks and try to stay at their lodges if possible. Most have some sort of campground or boondocking available, are inexpensive, have some meals(most very good) and, in Fairbanks, we had free laundry.

We traditionally go to our furthest point and then start working our way back. Fairbanks is as far north as we had planned, the Arctic Circle, while enticing, is another 400 miles on poor road. Not for us.

Wasilla is about 35 miles from Anchorage so we will see what there is to do in Anchorage and commute in. There is quite a bit to do in Wasilla. After Anchorage, we will be going to the Kenai Peninsula with its phenomenal views.

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