Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Road to Teslin Lake

Brown Bear, much larger than the Black Bear

Bison with several youngsters 

I didn't realize how big he really was

This was primarily a driving day and it was misting most of the day. We are heading for Yukon. The main highway became a dirt road for 30 miles, had to slow down to 25 mph. Then we encountered construction 2 or 3 times. No animals. When we reached Teslin Lake we decided to go to a commercial campground for the night. That will probably not be an option for the next 2 or 3 nights. We will either park in a rest area or find a govt. park.

The road difference between Yukon and BC is very noticeable. Rougher roads, no signage for curves or step downgrades, brush growing right next to the road so you can’t see any animals that might surprise you. Makes for very aware of driving. The entire trip so far we have not seen and police or accidents. Not many cars of RVs on the road yet. We are a bit early and most people do the Top of the World Highway on their way up. We will do it on the way back.

We have managed to find a 3-night reservation in Denali, just lucked out. June is the preferred month for visibility. We hope to add days on once we get there. I’ll keep trying when I have internet available.

Before going to Denali we will stop in Fairbanks for a week, catch up on things, haircuts, food, touring, rest. It will have been a long drive.

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